Phoenix Comicon Weapon Ban – Will Others Do the Same?

Phoenix Comicon Weapon Ban – Will Others Do the Same?

Why are these Tusken Raiders so glum? Was it because they were refused entry into the Phoenix Comicon after the recent anti-weapon policy?

If you weren’t aware, controversy swirled over Memorial Day weekend when an armed man was arrested for bringing real weapons into the Phoenix Convention Center. The man, who claimed his alter-ego was Marvel’s The Punisher, may have intended harm to a performer and police.

After the news broke, the comic’s community was abuzz. cosplayers were turned away at the door who wished to bring seemingly innocent prop weapons into the show, as part of their accessories. What has been a decades old tradition, was now in jeopardy.

The cosplay community in large has stepped up to denounce the regulation of prop weapons, but will their voice be heard?

No matter what side of the pendulum you are on, the recent events at the Phoenix Comicon will have reverberations for years to come.

How will the recent events affect comicons near you? Will they all start accepting strict anti-prop-weapon policies?

Would that ruin the convention experience for you? Or are you like some of the casual con goers who appreciate the tougher sanctions against prop-weapons so that it doesn’t interrupt your safety?

These are all big questions and they come at a time of big controversy in the industry.

Phoenix Comicon has revised their weapon’s policy here, and other big conventions across the nation are considering the same.

Will you go to fewer conventions because of the recent events? Or will you go to more?

Please leave comments below and let us know your thoughts!

Joseph A. Michael




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