
Current Celebrity Signature Prices – 2018

This is meant to be a reference for those wishing to get a signature from guests at upcoming shows. Prices may vary depending on organizer and locale. Please use the […]

Giant Size X-Men #1

What does One-Shot mean in Comics?

A comic that only has one issue (a self contained story) is a One-Shot or 1-Shot. These are typically 24–48 pages in length and contain an entire story from beginning […]

The 3 Most Iconic Comic Covers of all Time

Although this is a very subjective question, you can tell which comics have the most iconic covers by how often they come up in popular media or how many times […]

The Most Anticipated Super Hero Movies for 2018

These movies are worth waiting for! (we hope) Super hero movies have been gaining in popularity since Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins/The Dark Knight franchise debuted in 2005. Since then we […]